Yes, I have knit sweaters in the past, and with one exception I no longer own any of them because......well because
- They didn't turn out like the picture in the book
- They looked awful on me
- I felt like I was wearing a tube
- They didn't hold up to laundering
The only sweater I have knitted and still own (and sometimes wear) is so stinking old and out of date. But it's still the best sweater I have ever knitted.
So along comes a KAL courtesy of Red Bug Yarn and Gifts and Knitting nudged me and said, "Do it. You'll be knitting a sweater and doing a KAL, two things you want to do." Never one to ignore Knitting I took the plunge, purchased the book, bought the sticks and string, and fell flat on my face.
The sweater is 'Emma' from the CocoKnits Sweater Workshop by Julie Weisenberger. Ms. Weisenberger has designed a process to knit sweaters from the top down that fit and flatter nicely. Her process involves filling out a worksheet with information from her book that will guide you as you begin the sweater. Here's a link to her website where you can find the Sweater Workshop book and lots of other nice stuff. The book may be sold by your LYS, so I recommend checking there first.
Back to my story. The worksheet was KILLING me! I could not figure out where the numbers for the worksheet were coming from. I could not figure out if this is row 1 or this is row 1. I could not get the way I had knitted sweaters in the past out of my head. To use a very well worn phrase, I realized I had to think outside the box. (Or as Husband likes to say, I had to get a new pair a dig 'em, aka paradigm).
Beginning yoke for Emma version B.
Yarn is Berroco's Evista
Again, thanks to the ladies at Red Bug Yarn and Gifts I have made a start on 'Emma.' With their help I got my worksheet filled in and they sent me a copy of the techniques page that was very helpful. The yarn is lovely, but a bit slippery on the needles. Knitted in Berroco's Evista on size 11 needles, almost everything about this process has been a challenge. "But that's what the gauntlet was for," whispered Knitting. "To challenge you, to try you, to teach you."
Well, 'Emma' is coming along, and it looks like the picture. I've tried it on and so far it fits.
So there, Knitting! I'll take up your gauntlet and raise you a sweater!